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Kingdom, Thrilling and well-crafted mix of historical drama, political intrigue, and horror.

by YongCheck 2023. 3. 16.

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[Image Source : Netflix]


1. Summary

"Kingdom" is actually a Netflix series and not a movie. The series is set in the Joseon period of Korea, and it follows the story of a Crown Prince named Lee Chang, who investigates a mysterious plague that is turning people into zombies.

The story begins with a political conspiracy in the royal court, where the Queen's father, the Chief State Councilor, secretly plots to seize the throne from the King. Meanwhile, a mysterious plague breaks out in a remote village, and the King's health deteriorates. The Crown Prince, who is the rightful heir to the throne, sets out on a mission to uncover the truth behind the plague and save his people from the epidemic.

As the story unfolds, the Crown Prince discovers that the plague is not a natural disease but a result of a sinister plot hatched by the Chief State Councilor and a group of corrupt officials. He also discovers that the disease turns people into flesh-eating zombies who can only be killed by destroying their brains.

The Crown Prince, along with his loyal bodyguard, a physician, and a group of survivors, fight against the zombies and the conspirators to protect the people of Joseon and restore the rightful rule of the King. The series is a mix of historical drama, political intrigue, and horror, and it keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful and action-packed storyline.


2. Characters

Crown Prince Lee Chang: The main protagonist of the series, Lee Chang is a determined and intelligent prince who is fiercely dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the plague and saving his people from the zombies. He is a skilled swordsman and a natural leader, but he also struggles with his duty as a prince and his desire to protect his people.

Seo-bi: Seo-bi is a physician who becomes one of Lee Chang's closest allies in his quest to uncover the truth about the plague. She is brave, intelligent, and resourceful, and she uses her medical knowledge to help the survivors of the plague. She is also haunted by a traumatic event from her past.

Young-shin: Young-shin is Lee Chang's loyal bodyguard, who is fiercely protective of him and always has his back in battle. He is a skilled fighter and a man of few words, but he is fiercely loyal and dedicated to his duty.

Queen Consort Cho: The Queen Consort is a complex character who is torn between her loyalty to her husband, the King, and her father, the Chief State Councilor. She is intelligent and politically savvy, but she also struggles with guilt and regret over the role she played in the conspiracy to seize the throne.

Chief State Councilor Cho: The main antagonist of the series, the Chief State Councilor is a power-hungry politician who will stop at nothing to seize the throne for himself. He is ruthless and cunning, and he is willing to sacrifice anyone who stands in his way, including his own daughter, the Queen Consort.

These are just a few of the main characters in "Kingdom," and each of them is well-developed and multi-dimensional, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. The series does an excellent job of exploring the complex political and personal relationships between these characters, while also delivering plenty of thrilling action and horror.


3. Point of view

"Kingdom" is a highly acclaimed Netflix series that has been praised for its mix of historical drama, political intrigue, and horror. The series is set in 16th century Korea, and it follows the story of a Crown Prince who investigates a mysterious plague that is turning people into zombies.

The series has received widespread critical acclaim for its well-developed characters, intricate plot, and stunning visuals. The historical setting is also well-researched and provides an authentic backdrop for the story.

The series also does an excellent job of balancing the horror elements with the political drama and character development. The zombies are terrifying and well-designed, but they are also used to explore themes of corruption, power, and societal collapse.

When watching "Kingdom," I would recommend focusing on the intricate plot and the relationships between the characters. The series moves quickly, and there are many twists and turns along the way, so it's important to pay attention to the details. The historical setting and political intrigue are also important elements of the story, so it's worth taking the time to understand the various factions and power struggles that are happening.

Overall, "Kingdom" is a highly recommended series for fans of historical drama, political intrigue, and horror. It's a well-crafted and engrossing story that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

